Happenings Around the Ranch
We are passionate about healthy watersheds and all of the eco-benefits that come along with them! One of our favorite ongoing projects at the ranch is the coho salmon habitat restoration and population research.
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife has been regularly visiting (often daily) the ranch to collect data on population numbers, biodiversity, movement patterns (as documented by an in-stream fish scanner), and water quality.
Welcome to scenic West Marin! We are so fortunate to have this special nook of California still filled with farms and ranches. And, only a short day trip away from Bay Area cities! Download a hiking guide here!
We have partnered with MALT, the National Resource Conservation Service, Point Blue Conservation Service and the Marin Resource Conservation District over the years to implement numerous land stewardship projects.
There is nothing better or more refreshing for our cows than spring water on a hot summer afternoon. It stays at a cool, constant temperature versus standing ground water which is much more subjective to environmental temperatures.